2024 in KINGS PARK D1304-1914 |
Out of each set of group photographs I choose the nicest of each person. From each set of group photos I will make one composite image so that you have the best photograph of each person in the one photograph.
Group Photos only: 6" x 9" $ 45 - 00 each, Names, logo/crest & history with photo and folder if available. 8" x 10" $ 60 - 00 each, 11" x 14" $115 - 00 each. OTHER PHOTOGRAPHS (NOT MAIN GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS): 6"x 4" $ 12 - 00 each Plus $5-00 postage if no other photographs ordered. 5"x 7" $ 30 - 00 each No names but I put logo/crest & history w/- photo if available. 8"x10" $50 -00 each No names but I put logo/crest & history w/- photo if available. To purchase the photographs fill out your order in the ORDER YOUR PHOTOS HERE. As this is not a secure site you cannot leave your credit card details on it but you can phone through your credit card details or you can direct debit or go into the bank, you can also post a cheque. Ph: 9247 3485 Mob: 0413 058 946 When emailing your order through please: add your name, address, reunion and method of payment please. Commonwealth Bank of Aust. BSB: 066192 Account 1047 7009 All photographs will be corrected when ordered, I pick the best of everyone from each group and change the faces into one image. All photographs are printed in a professional lab. |